
30x30x30 Challenge: Days 19 thru 23

5 Days of work equals 5 new pieces! 2 figures, 1 face and 2 landscapes. I was playing around with painting and drawing on photo transfers and with painting and drawing on a fabric print of a past painting...just for fun. I really like how the messed up photo transfer with paint became the piece called the Beach. The Three Sisters goes out as homage to my Mom and my 2 Aunts to honor the beautiful little girls that they were! Click on each image to learn more about what went into them.

Artismovingnow.com is having a 30for30equals30 Challenge. And I'm doing it! Join me and post your work. I want to see it! #30for30equals30 Have fun and show me what you make! Post it on my facebook page. See blog posts Day 1 and 2 for the details about the challenge! Happy creating!


I have been breaking my own rules again. I usually don't do portraits. They are hard and scary and intimidating; especially when you draw and paint people that you love. Especially when they are the children of my best friends! Of course I wanted them to come out right and look really good! I felt the fear and did it anyways. Twice. One as a Mother's Day present and one for a wedding present.  The self inflicted pressure!!  I was so nervous. To my huge relief, the gifts brought tears of joy and surprise. Sweet

Little Deeds (of Kindness)

Here is one of the demo paintings that I did at Ormond Beach two weeks ago. For those who know me, you might recognize the blue and purple paisley print from one of my favorite shirts that fell apart! Reuse, reuse, recycle is only the half of it, I just can't let that fabulous material go!! I still have more pieces. :) 

The title comes from the song lyrics on the small piece of sheet music that I included. It also reminds me of the spirit of sharing that happened at the workshop, where everyone shared supplies, papers and fabrics. So fun.

