Check your ego at the door and expand your horizons! Heather and I are inspired!! We're using Daily Painting by Carol Marine to jump start ourselves out of old habits and into new ones. We are going to do a painting a day and we are challenging ourselves to use mediums that we haven't used in a while. Join us!
Yesterday, Day 1, I ridiculously jumped in with oil paints and a still life with pineapple.....what was I thinking! I could've started with an apple, but NO. And I haven't done oils since college! Heather's blender in oils is just adorable. I'm going to revisit this pineapple when it dries a bit. To be continued....
Today, Day 2, we did pastels and I am reminded why I love to draw above all else. I did avocados in my favorite bowl and Heather did the cutest cow on the planet.
Tomorrow, Day 3, she is talking about watercolors...again. Haha. The push I need to broaden my artistic routine. Stay tuned. "Paint" with us!