Other themes
Abundance Lesson
Few things are more satisfying for an artist than a well executed redo. I had this abstract piece called Abundance for sometime and ironically, it was lacking. So I added a blue jay and some sky and it all came together. Focal point. It now has one. Focus. I believe I now have more. Synergy. The whole is now greater than the simple sum of its parts. Hasn't that always been the lesson of abundance?
Abundance, before the redo
Peaceful World
I have numerous art journals but have never made any that I would consider selling...until now. This is a handmade art journal consisting of 12 pages of collage with prints of my artwork printed on fabrics. Enjoy the message....

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
Blue Jay
Freckle Foot Creative
Check out the 2015 calendar by Freckle Foot Creative. Faith Amon's creativity is at it again! Proud to be a part of the project.
Small Things Considered 2014: Preview
Arts On Douglas Gallery
Opening reception: Saturday, December 6, 4 to 7 pm
Exhibition Dates: December 6 - January 10, 2015
123 Douglas St.
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168
These new pieces incorporate acrylics, charcoal fabric, paper and photo transfers on wood panels.
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
An Apple A Day
Ever since I've had my own studio, I've said that any day in the studio is a good day. My first studio was in the basement when I was 9. I took old curtains and rods, hung them from the ceiling and created spaces for myself and my sister that we could call our own. My parents let me use and paint a huge (over engineered) drafting table that my great-grandfather made. We played. We made stuff. We gave the stuff away to the people we loved.
Gratefully, not much has changed. Tuesday I spent time taking apart and redoing a 16 year old painting of an apple that I had given to my grandparents. I got it back after they both passed and I've known for a while that I would find the right new home for this little symbol of healthy eating. I just hadn't realized it would be mine! It's a little gift for my apple loving, health conscious husband as he embarks on training for his next marathon; maps included.
I've always known that art and creating things (in all its forms including motherhood) is what I'm meant to do. Paulo Coelho calls this your 'personal legend;' Joseph Campbell, 'your bliss;' Eckhart Tolle, 'your purpose.' I agree with these writers that all people in their hearts really know their personal legend, and that suffering comes when we ignore the signs and choose not to live that purpose. So don't listen to the voices that say it can't be done. Do what fills your heart full with joy. Then share it with people. And when that love comes back, give it again. I guarantee that it will bring you bliss.
30x30x30 Challenge: Days 16 thru 18
Artismovingnow.com is having a 30for30equals30 Challenge. And I'm doing it! Join me and post your work. I want to see it! #30for30equals30 Have fun and show me what you make! Post it on my facebook page. See blog posts Day 1 and 2 for the details about the challenge!
30x30x30 Challenge: Day 2- Yes
Artismovingnow.com is having a 30for30equals30 Challenge. And I'm doing it! Join me and post your work. I want to see it! #30for30equals30
My 30 minutes today was as much about destruction as construction! I took an old piece that I just couldn't look at any more and turned it into a YES! Have fun and show us what you make! Post it on my facebook page. Happy (destroying and) creating!
Take an ART BREAK everyday!
To coincide with our yearly Art Break Day celebration every September, we invite anyone and everyone to partake in our 30x30x30 challenge.
Art is Moving believes in the positive power or art. Just like eating right and exercising, making art a part of your daily life will make that life a better one. It helps us connect with ourselves and connect with others. We can use art to work through stress and anxiety. Take a breather, take an art break, and see what happens.
It's easy to join the fun!
Step one: Fill in the form below to register. (We'll add your name to our participant list on our 30 for 30 equals 30 tumblr page HERE and include your website if you provide us with one).
Step two: Starting September 1st until September 30th, take 30 minutes each day to take a break and make art.
Step three: Each day during the month of September, take a photo of the art you create and upload it to our online gallery here. Don't forget to tag it! 30for30equals30
Step four: Share your awesome photo on other social media sites and tag it #30for30equals30 - WOOT!
Step five: Enjoy the positive impact art making will have on your life! Be happy knowing that you are joining the world community as we all celebrate the awesomeness of art.
A World of Imagination
True: Stamps, Inkodye and other Fun
I admit it. I was not in high production mode this summer. It was too hot down here in Florida to do anything but swim and play. So on those rare days when I ventured into the studio, I gave myself permission to do just that. Play.
I found this product called Inkodye which is light sensitive dye. I made some of the patterned fabrics below using doilies and dye in the sun. The blue piece was the result of blue dye and doilies over already printed fabric. The other pieces were white handkerchief pieces. Hint: Although the instructions say expose in bright sun for 8 minutes, Florida summer exposure times were more like 2 minutes!
I continued embellishing these fabric pieces with some stamping. I know that there is a gigantic world of stamping out there, but I am interested more in pattern making. I found these great antique batik stamps at Sarasota Architectural Salvage. They inspired me to make my own patterns too. I found success using a broken windchime and this honey-combed cardboard piece (thank you Ikea packaging).
True was a collage that I puttered around with all summer and I think the red blossom stamping over the top helped me finish it.